CMB组委会主席卜度安·哈弗:中国白酒出海缺乏外宣信息和分销渠道 建议在各国多举办白酒鸡尾酒大赛
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CMB组委会主席卜度安·哈弗:中国白酒出海缺乏外宣信息和分销渠道 建议在各国多举办白酒鸡尾酒大赛


文 | 凤凰网酒业 翟庭俞




Suggestions for chinese baijiu to go abroad

Host: The first question,in your opinion, what challenges need to overcome if Chinese spirits are to go global as soon as possible and win the love of wine drinkers around the world?


Baudouin Havaux: Okay. I think that the problem for the Chinese spirits is that they are very well known here in China. But it's very difficult for the foreigners ,first to have access to the product. It's difficult to find Baijiu outside of China, because you have a lack of distribution. You need more exporter, more distribution.


And for me, the second issue is that it's difficult to find information about your products. It's difficult to know the characteristics of the Baijiu. Who you produce the Baijiu, what's the difference between a sauce aroma or light aroma, what's the difference between different regions and it's really not easy to understand for us because it's very difficult. We don't find a lot of information in English or French or Spanish. I think that the sector, the spirits industry, have to invest in formation, information and also in distribution.


So the first step is to find some exporters. exporters who can buy the Baijiu and sell the Baijiu in New York and Mexico and Paris.…. Because these products are not accessible on the market and it's the reason why I think that this competition will be a nice tool to find a distribution.


This year, this week, we have 20-25 importers who are part of this competition. These importers two days ago followed a master class about Baijiu. Two years of master class and I am sure that these guys, these importers are thinking maybe they have interest to register a new product and maybe they are ready to try to sell Baijiu all over the world.


Baudouin Havaux: I think that to promote, you have maybe another issue that the foreigners consumer don't understand and they don't know when they can consume Baijiu. Here in China, it's easy, you consume Baijiu in the dinner to make ganbei, but in Europe, we never do that. So we have to find another way to consume it. When I will consume Baijiu? So I think that maybe one way, one solution could be to introduce Baijiu in cocktail, in the bar, because Baijiu it's not easy to understand, because the flavor and the savor are very different, but it works very well in cocktail. And I am sure that the barman, the bar association favor, they are looking also for something new because you know that the bar is very trendy.


Always they are looking for a new cocktail, new savor, new flavor and with Baijiu, you have a lot of things to do. You can mix Baijiu with a lot of other spirits, with a lot of juice or soda or…... And I think that ,maybe we can organize a cocktail competition in different countries. And after the best barman Baijiu from France, from United States, from Mexico, from Italy can be invited here in China and we can organize here the international competition with the best Baijiu barman of different countries and it can help you to promote Baijiu by a different way, with not the ganbei. Ganbei in Europe is not useful.



Markting and promotion,how to learn from international spirits

Host: Okay ,in terms of marketing and promotion, what do you think Chinese Baijiu should learn from other international spirits?


Baudouin Havaux: Okay. The first thing to do maybe is to develop some websites but in different language where you can give all the information, what's Baijiu, different styles of Baijiu, different region, who you produce Baijiu.


Second, what makes the cognac, for example, or Armagnac, or Brandy, they organized a lot of masterclass. They travel all over the world and they organized masterclass. As you know, here in China, the region of cognac organized a lot of masterclass of cognac and it helped the Chinese market to understand and to try cognac. So it could be nice to organize a masterclass Baijiu in Paris, in Brussels, in Madrid in Tokyo, or Mexico. But they have to come together.

I think that what I saw yesterday in the opening ceremony that six different regions of Baijiu were together to promote the Baijiu industry . Not only sauce aroma, not only light aroma, they are together and they give a full vision of the world of Baijiu.



Understanding craftsmanship spirit of Chinese baijiu

Host: Okay, thank you. How do you understand craftsmanship spirit of Chinese baijiu? Basically it's handmade.

翟庭俞:好的,谢谢。你如何理解中国白酒的工匠精神? 你知道,白酒基本上都是手工酿造的。

Baudouin Havaux: That's very important. Because Baijiu, for me, is not an industrial product. It's an artisanal product. Artisanal, it's handmade. And people, consumers, look for authenticity. It's not an international brand or an industrial product. If you visit the industry of Baijiu, you can see people working. It's very handmade. It's a specific product. First, they use natural products, sorghum, water, and something very special, the qu. And it's artisanal. And it's authentic. It's what the consumer is looking for now.


Host: Compare to other spirits other wines in global.


Baudouin Havaux: It's like if you compare a small product of cognac, or Armagnac, or Pisco. or cognac are produced by small business units by family, by small distillery. And the consumer wants that. He needs some history. He needs to know the guy who made the Baijiu, the product. He needs to know to see the building, to see the winery. He wants to see where it's coming from, the sorghum. And also he needs a cultural aspect. He needs to see the gastronomy who goes with the Baijiu. He needs to see all the cultural aspects of the product.


And it's one positive point for Baijiu, because it's like you have product, for example, vodka. Vodka is an industrial product. Nobody knows who is made, you don't have any faith behind the product. And that's important in Baijiu that when you visit the region of Baijiu, you can meet the distiller, you can meet people who is working. And you say, wow, that's a true product. It's not an industrial product.


Host: Pure grain liquor. Ok, thank you.


Baudouin Havaux:Ok, it's ok.





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